by Farhana Manzoor | Jan 20, 2021 | Preschool and primary (4--8), Resources
Very young toddlers sometimes find it very difficult to share. Their vision of the world still focuses just around them. They find it hard to give up a favourite toy, or one they’ve just picked up a few moments ago. Toddlers and preschoolers As very young children do...
by Farhana Manzoor | Jan 13, 2021 | Teenagers/ Young adults (13-19), Resources
The teenage years are a time of many changes for your teenage children. There are a myriad of physical and emotional changes, as well as the changing social groups your teenage child interacts with. Often at this age, teenagers are invited to movies, parties, and may...
by Farhana Manzoor | Jan 6, 2021 | Resources, Teenagers/ Young adults (13-19)
Wondering what to do to get the most out of your revision? How you can revise effectively and focus on the task at hand, without getting distracted and sidelined in to other activities. The following tips will help you focus on what needs to be done before you start...
by Farhana Manzoor | Jun 24, 2020 | Preschool and primary (4--8)
If you’ve got a young child at home, chances are, you’re quizzing yourself on how to encourage them to be studious, motivated children and learners at school, and to contribute positively in their class. It needn’t be a challenge to motivate your child at school. Many...